
Make sure you have Python 3.7 or later installed.

The recommended way to install Python is to use Conda by installing one of

Alternately, * Miniforge may help avoid Windows 10 issues

Then create an environment for working with gatenlp. This example creates an environment with the name gatenlp and activates it:

conda create -n gatenlp python==3.8
conda activate gatenlp

The gatenlp has a number of optional dependencies which are only needed if some special features of gatenlp are used.

To install gatenlp with the minimal set of dependencies run:

python -m pip install gatenlp 

To upgrade an already installed gatenlp package to the latest version run:

python -m pip install -U gatenlp 

To install gatenlp with all dependencies run:

python -m pip install gatenlp[all]

To upgrade to the latest version with all dependencies:

python -m pip install  -U gatenlp[all]

NOTE: if this fails because of a problem installing torch (this may happen on Windows), first install Pytorch separately according to the Pytorch installation instructions, see: then run the gatenlp installation again.

The following specific dependencies included in 'all' can be chosen separately: * formats: to support the various serialization formats * java: to support the Gate slave * stanza: to support the Stanza bridge * spacy: to support the Spacy bridge * nltk: to support the nltk tokenizer and nltk bridge * gazetteers: to support gazetteers

The following dependencies are not included in 'all' but in 'alldev' or can be chosen separately: * notebook: needed to use gatenlp with notebooks, convert notebooks, show notebooks as slides * dev: dependencies needed for developing gatenlp, testing, linting etc.

Example: to install gatenlp with support for stanza and spacy and serialization:

python -m pip install gatenlp[stanza,spacy,formats]

To install the latest gatenlp code from GitHub with all dependencies: * Clone the repository and change into it * Run python -m pip install -e .[all]

To also install everything needed for development use "alldev":

python -m pip install -e .[alldev]

Creating a jupyter notebook/lab kernel:

To use the conda environment with jupyter notebook/lab create kernel:

  • activate the environment
  • run python -m ipykernel install --user --name=gatenlp (or choose a different name in place of "gatenlp" for the kernel)
  • this kernel should then show up in the list of kernels within jupyter notebook or lab

Requirements for using the GATE slave:

  • Java 8
  • py4j
  • GATE 8.6.1 or later

Requirements for running gatenlp in a Jupyter notebook:

  • ipython
  • jupyter
  • ipykernel

To create a kernel for your conda environment run:

python -m ipykernel install --user --name gatenlp --display-name "Python gatenlp"

The available kernels can be listed with jupyter kernelspec list

To run and show a notebook run the following and use "Kernel - Change Kernel" in the notebook to choose the gatenlp environment speicific kernel:

jupyter notebook notebookname.ipynb

If you prefer Jupyter lab:

python -m pip install jupyterlab

and then start Jupyter lab with:

jupyter lab

In Jupyter lab, you can work on Jupyter notebooks but also use an interactive console which is also able to visualize documents interactively.

Requirements for development:

  • Java SDK version 8
  • Maven version 3.6