Stanza pipeline

If gatenlp has been installed with the stanza extra (pip install gatenlp[stanza] or pip install gatenlp[all]) you can run a Stanford Stanza pipeline on a document and get the result as gatenlp annotations.

from gatenlp import Document
from gatenlp.lib_stanza import AnnStanza
import stanza

# In order to use the English pipeline with stanza, the model has to get downloaded first'en')
Downloading   0%|   …

2021-09-12 20:25:46,231|INFO|stanza|Downloading default packages for language: en (English)...

Downloading   0%|          | 0.00/412M [00:00<?,…

2021-09-12 20:28:44,342|INFO|stanza|Finished downloading models and saved to /home/johann/stanza_resources.
doc = Document.load("")

Annotating the document using Stanza

In order to annotate one or more documents using Stanza, first create a AnnStanza annotator object and the run the document(s) through this annotator:

stanza_annotator = AnnStanza(lang="en")
2021-09-12 20:28:44,689|INFO|stanza|Loading these models for language: en (English):
| Processor | Package   |
| tokenize  | combined  |
| pos       | combined  |
| lemma     | combined  |
| depparse  | combined  |
| sentiment | sstplus   |
| ner       | ontonotes |

2021-09-12 20:28:44,691|INFO|stanza|Use device: cpu
2021-09-12 20:28:44,692|INFO|stanza|Loading: tokenize
2021-09-12 20:28:44,697|INFO|stanza|Loading: pos
2021-09-12 20:28:44,954|INFO|stanza|Loading: lemma
2021-09-12 20:28:44,991|INFO|stanza|Loading: depparse
2021-09-12 20:28:45,369|INFO|stanza|Loading: sentiment
2021-09-12 20:28:45,766|INFO|stanza|Loading: ner
2021-09-12 20:28:46,371|INFO|stanza|Done loading processors!
doc = stanza_annotator(doc)